
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold, I am with you always to the end of the age."

Matthew 28:19

We at Christ Church Pueblo West are actively on mission with God to share the Good News of Jesus down the street, in other parts of town, and other parts of the world.  We strive to reach the lost for Christ no matter where they may call home.  

Active Mission Partners We Support

Living Water International

We partner with Living Water International to drill wells which provide clean drinking water in rural Haiti where it is otherwise unavailable.  Each project involves sharing the Living Water that is Jesus Christ in each of the communities where the wells are being placed.  We are currently celebrating the third well we have sponsored in Haiti.

Crazy Faith Street Ministries

We partner with Crazy Faith to reach the homeless in our community. It is a ministry of compassion to the broken, needy and homeless.

Chi Alpha Campus Ministries

Through Chi Alpha we support on-campus missionaries who share the Gospel and minister to students at Colorado State University-Pueblo.

Chosen and Cherished Ministries

We support CCM which is a small ministry in Haiti that is dedicated to providing services to improve the safety, stability and well-being of children entrusted into their care. They are currently caring for 10 Haitian orphans..